Friday, 10 June 2011

Friends and Visitors

As well as going out and about, we have had quite a lot of people visiting us recently - friends and fanily:

This is one of my human friends called Euan - he likes to play with me in the garden when he comes to visit and his favourite game is to do high fives with Kaska. Kaska could do that all day but I'm not a high five sort of dog. I prefer running around on the lawn and playing chasing games.Tomorrow we are going to visit our human and doggy friends in Hartlepool when we go back to where Kaska was born. We go quite often to see the lady who had Kaska's mother, Match ( and her sister Maisie) and we get to play with her mini schnauzers. I will put some pictures of them in my next blog.
Also I wanted to say a special thank you to Oscar and Rubie for your messages because I've not been able to leave any comments back ! I do follow your blog and love to hear all your adventures but something doesn't work when I try to leave a comment. So until we can get it sorted - just know I am following your blog and I'm glad to know you're enjoying mine.

Hi to Dexter & Louis, Momo & Pinot and Santa's little gang too - I love all your tales too and luckily I can leave you some comments! And hello Jana - my schnauzer friend from Newcastle who doesn't have a blog yet but does follow mine. Wow I feel like I've just won an Oscar with this little speech! Happy blogging :-)

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