Thursday, 21 February 2013

RIP Isadora

Sad to say that one of our hens, Isadora Duncan passed away last night. She looked a bit down in the dumps yesterday  but this morning she had crossed the Rainbow Bridge. She was 3 years old.

This was Isadora when she was young - only about 6 months old helping Crybbe do a bit of weeding in the garden.

And this was Christmas 2010 with two of her friends seeing snow for the first time.

This was me as a puppy - it looks as though Isadora is pecking my head - I'm not looking just in case!

Goodbye sweet Isadora - hope there are lots of good places to peck and explore across the Rainbow Bridge xx


  1. RIP Isadora hen :-(
    I don't know anything about hens, so have to ask is 3 a good age for a hen? I know she would have had a good life at your home!

  2. We have been told so many different estimates for a hen's lifespan - from 2-3 years (for a hybrid which Isadora was) to 13 years + for a pure breed. We are fairly new to hen-keeping and were told by the man we bought the hens from that there would be 2-3 years laying and could live up to 6 years if we did not cull them. We would not of course have done that and were happy for them to roam in their run, enjoy the sun, the shade under the cherry tree and their favourite scratching place under our huge spruce tree. We may learn more with our other 5 hens.

  3. We're picking up a pattern here....Darcey Bussell...Isadora Duncan...hmmmmm.

    So sad when one of 'the pack' goes to the bridge. We know you'll miss her. At least she had a long, natural life.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  4. Fly Free, Isadora. You made a family happy :D

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  5. Aww, so sorry to hear that. I love those pictures of Isadora just hanging out with the dogs. It sounds like she had a good life with you guys!

  6. Hi Magic, we're sorry for your loss. The way you doggies and birdies hang out together is amazing! Run and fly free Isadora.

    Momo & Pinot xo

  7. Hi Magic - I'm so sorry for your loss.

  8. So sorry Isadora has go to the bridge me and Tess send you love and hugs.
    I'm sorry that I have not been keeping up with your blog in fact I have not been keeping up with any I follow as Mom is pretty busy and won't help us on the laptop.
    Please say thanks to Crybbe & Trilby for joining me on SS
    George xxx
    PS Congratulations Magic :)

    1. Thanks for your message :-) We know it is hard to keep blogging when your peeps are busy - take care - love from Magic xx
